
Lent Programme 2024


Weekday (said) Mass at 10am

14th February – Ash Wednesday – Said Mass 10am; Sung Mass 7pm

Lent course following Mass (11am)

‘Pathways in Prayer’

21st February – The path of holiness

28th February – The devotional path

6th March – The sacramental path

13th March – The contemplative path

20th March – The charismatic path


Parish (sung) Mass at 10am

(10th March Mothering Sunday; 17th March Passion Sunday)

Stations of the Cross at 6pm

Holy Week

24th March – Palm Sunday – Liturgy of Palms, Procession to Church and Mass of the Passion at 10am

28th March – Maundy Thursday – Mass of the Last Supper 7pm

29th March – Good Friday – The Liturgy of Good Friday 2pm

30th March – Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter 7pm

31st March – Easter Day – Parish Mass with Blessing of Easter Garden 10am

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Christmas at St James’ 2022

We’re absolutely delighted be able to offer our full range of services once again and open our doors to everyone and anyone in our community this Christmas. We’re really looking forward to welcoming you.

We hope there’s something for everyone at St James, whether you want to pause and reflect at our Quiet Christmas service, enjoy the beauty of our traditional carol service or be part of the energy and excitement of our Christingle. Keep an eye on our Facebook page or get in touch if you’d like to know more.

A very happy Christmas from everyone at St James’ Milton!



6.00pm Pompey Singalong@Fratton Park with our Choir Church Project


6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight


Noon Quiet Christmas. For anyone who finds the season difficult or wants to pause and reflect.


3.00pm or 4.30pm Crib Service. Our Christingle and a Nativity Play. Which character in the Christmas story will you come dressed as?

11.00pm Midnight Mass with carols


8am Said Mass
10am Parish Mass with carols


St James’ Church, Milton Road PO4 8PG

More info: 02392 651 456

Christmas at St James Church Milton, 2022
Christmas at St James Church Milton, 2022
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Coronavirus Update

My dear friends

When I sat down at the beginning of 2020 I was looking forward to the plans we would make together and all we would do and share. I’d certainly not anticipated all that we are facing now.

In the light of recent announcements from the Government and The Archbishops of Canterbury and York I am writing to let you know that we will be exploring ways of doing church differently. Due to the restrictions on gathering together, we will not be able to meet as usual so meetings and normal services are suspended.

But the work of God goes on – although in a different way. St James’ will be open everyday from 11am to 1pm and everyone is welcome to come and pray, leave requests for us to pray for someone, light a candle or reflect in quiet. You can also leave donations for the Food Bank, which is likely to see a marked increase in demand. During the week Fr Hugo and I will say Morning Prayer at 9am and Evening Prayer at 5.30pm as usual, so, if you hear the church bell ringing you know that we will, as usual, be praying for you.

Although we cannot hold a public service, I will celebrate Mass on Sunday at 9.30am and on Monday at 9.30am, Tuesday at 6.30pm, Wednesday at 10am and Saturday at 9.30am and so you will know when we are able to say prayers for you and the parish. Please do contact either of us if there is anything or anyone you would like us to pray for.

Here is an Order of Service for Worshipping at Home (please click) which we encourage you to use, maybe at the same time as you know we will be celebrating the Mass on your behalf at St James’. We can then pray for you and with you. The Church of England website also contains some excellent resources for prayer. We will also be posting regularly on the St James’ Facebook page to show that the worshipping life at St James’ continues.

Each week we will email to you the week’s collect and readings, a pew sheet to keep in touch and other resources and reflections you might find helpful. We will also deliver our magazine to you at the beginning of the month. This will for now, be free.

This Sunday is Mothering Sunday and we are encouraged to join in a day of prayer to remember especially those who are sick or anxious and all involved in our Health Service. The Archbishops have asked us all to place a lighted candle in our windows at 7pm as a ‘sign of solidarity and hope in the light of Christ that can never be extinguished.’ I hope you will join us in doing so.

Both of us will be in regular phone contact with you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do – and whether you know of anyone else who needs any kind of help. We might not be able to visit you, but we are always available.

These are difficult times. Our response must be to continue to play our own valuable parts in living, serving and praying as the Body of Christ.

From the Parish Priest

Fr Paul

St James’ Vicarage 287 Milton Road Southsea PO4 8PG
t: 02392 732786 e:

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